111. Creative ways of eating an ice cream cone

112. Dressed by his sisters in the sailor suit, so genuinely happy to help me make some Annie's Mac N Cheese.

113. Little man can sit up in high chair with the family. Today we let him try smashed bananas! Oh those first looks when they taste food for the first time! 5 months old!

114. This rock-climbing is always a reminder to me, to keep climbing. Like Mary Clare here, we're all cheered on by family, friends and strangers...we will reach that bell at the top if we keep climbing!

115. Water-watching

116. Bun-making

117. Love note with pressure washer on the driveway

118. My talented little fisherman, wants to be just like his daddy!
Page 170 of One Thousand Gifts: "Instead of filling with expectations, the joy-filled expect nothing--and are filled. This breath! This oak tree! This daisy! This work! This sky! These people! This place! This day! Surprise!"
I am working on this. I'm not doing so well this week. I am feeling overwhelmed and tired. Little things are getting to me. Fruit flies and staph and rotting apple in carpet, wet pants, messy rooms, cracked fingers, sick family and friends, dying boy, sassy children, fussy babies, broken drain plug, and a mosquito in my bathrobe. That mosquito made me cry! My body is not my own, nearly 9 years of nursing and babies...this mama has her tired and whiny days.
But each of those things I listed above should also go in my gratitude journal. Because that's the challenge. That's the surprise! Let's add them...
119. Fruit flies surprise me on my mirror, engulf the kitchen garbage. Oh how they love my home and our fresh fruit!
120. Staph reminds me of sin that can spread and overtake us. Thankful dermatologist says "mild" and thankful for bleach baths and antibiotic ointment. Thankful to know that my body is of this world and reminds me of my earthly limitations.
121. rotting apple which I'm so glad I found yesterday, thankful for fruit this season
122. wet pants, I think there were about 8-10 pairs of pants worn today, and not just on the potty training child! They were all enjoying the outdoors after the rain and had a few dinner-time drink spills!
123. messy rooms filled with children who play and love and laugh and learn
124. cracked fingers, a minor sacrifice I can offer for others, thankful for meds and gloves
125. sick family and friends who must rely on God in times of need
126. dying boy who reminds us all to treasure every second! I am still moved thinking about one of his mom's posts about bringing him home that ended with, "Whatever he needs, we will make it happen and we will love every single second of it."
127. sassy children who are independent and can think on their own, they are leaders and are learning (slowly) that they are not the boss
128. fussy baby who is teething and loves his mother and his nursing so much! I am so loved!
129. broken drain plug keeps us from bathing for too long! prevents anyone from drowning in the tub ;)
130. mosquito in bathrobe made me jump and scream and woke Daddy up to help with the baby while I dressed for bed!
That's more like it. Find the good in the things that eat at you. Lifts your heart a little. Now time for bed so I won't be that slow moving mom once again. Tomorrow is a park day, yay!
1 comment:
the "note" in the driveway is THE most sweetest expression of love!!!
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