It's been a fun "babymoon!" I'm having a great time just lovin' on my babyboy! It's been a gorgeous week where we've been able to leave the doors open, and the kids have spent most of the week outdoors. I've enjoyed the company of my father-in-law this week who has been so helpful with the kids and with lots of little house things. Thanks, BopBop! We've also been the recipients of at least a half-dozen meals and treats this week...thanks to all our kind friends and family who have brought food, given rides, and sent prayers and welcomed our Thomas so tangibly!
So here are 7 quick pics from the week, off my iPhone...
enjoying using my moby wrap again. he sleeps great in it!

my sweet morning cherub

2 stevens and 2 thomases hanging out in the driveway after work

ellie and thomas one morning

sleeping angel all bundled up in his new swaddleme blanket!

mary clare took these last 2...
her cute baby brother waiting for dry clothes

oldest and youngest, a special bond :)

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! And happy feast of St. Therese today! May she send down a shower of roses on you all and may you feel the love of God ever close to you today!
Find more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!
Dear Blair,
I can't believe I missed your birth announcement.
Congratulations to you and your family.
I wa ready your birth story and was wondering was this your first C section. Just what the doctor said about having more children. Don't answer if you don't feel comfortable.
Praying you continue to enjoy your babymoon
God Bless
Awwww, so sweet! Congratulations on your gorgeous munchkin.
congratulations on your little boy.
My baby Joseph will be 8 months old this week and he loves sleeping in his sling which is a bit different to your moby wrap but probably just as comfortable.
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