to welcome her:

and her sweet family back to Texas!
My camera wasn't doing well for photos of our fun visit with them, but we are so thankful they've made it back safely and I'm looking forward to more daytime phone calls with my lovely friend now on this side of the planet!
Got up early for her:

to do this:
(isn't she doing amazingly well after only a few weeks? You can tell that her left leg is still giving her trouble, but she's come a long way!)
Then we did some shopping, with this little diva:

who enjoyed herself until getting her leg all wet in this fountain:

We really enjoyed our day with them:

(my aunt and my mom)
and the kids kept us all laughing by doing things like this:
(please excuse the strange-looking gal at the very end--yikes!)
Hope you're Memorial Day weekend is going well too!
Film of Mary Clare brought tears to my eyes as she has accomplished so very much this year.
Film of the dancing trio brought joys of laughter!
Boy! 2 silly grandma's!
Not sure of the face at the end of the film - guess it's the talented film director, herself!
Love, Ne Ne
MC is doing so great at the swimming. I think those kids are so brave. I would never have been able to do that growing up. I was way too self conscious. I think that my cold was starting last Saturday and that is why I slept in so long that morning. I do so wish I had seen her so thank you for posting that adorable video. Doesn't your heart just swell with pride. All the way down, breathing on the side and not once did she stop at the rope. Awesome!!!!
Love the swimming film; she is doing so great. 25M (or yards) is a very long way for a little person!
Great videos! The dancing one cracks me up because I think Aslynn has the same dress and I love the Christmas music. It totally reminds me of a scene I would see here...complete with the one-year-old boy happily roaming around amongst the action. :)
What happy days with your beautiful family!!
Yay - it's good to know we're not the only household where you just might hear Christmas any time of the year, even on Memorial Day! :)
So happy to see the joy in their sweet faces...from swimming to dancing to making banners for the airport.
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