I was a ballerina. (Yep, that's me at about age 12)
From the time I was 2 years old, I would supposedly wake up from my nap each day and stand in my crib asking "Bal-gay, Mommy?" (wondering if that day was ballet class) Dance seems to be in my blood and during my entire childhood I can't remember a time when it wasn't a major part of my life. From the time I was in about 2nd grade through high school, I was dancing virtually every day. Tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, drill team...you name it, I loved it! Tap was probably my favorite of all. I seemed to shine the most in tap and was blessed with some good rhythm! I was never the best dancer of all, but I loved dancing and enjoyed performing and competing.
I loved being on stage. I would get told over and over again how much people loved my smile :) I was always happy dancing. It was a creative outlet as well as a physical fitness opportunity. So although I lived my childhood eating fast food almost every day, you wouldn't have known it! My family was always very supportive of my dancing. My mom tells of how just a few days after my younger brother was adopted, he was at his first dance recital surprising all our friends who didn't know of my parents' plans to adopt a newborn! My dad and brother patiently sat through many a recital or dance competition. My mom always helped behind the scenes and also worked very hard when I was in middle school to petition the state to allow dancers (and other sports followed) the opportunity to forego public school PE and leave school early to dance. I know that benefited me as well as many other athletes after me.
During my senior year in high school I faced an illness that kept me from dancing for awhile and I never really got back into it after that. I taught a little and took some classes in college, but I had other things on my mind and a new life to live as an independent young lady! I spent most of my time at the Catholic center, learning about my faith and meeting God in prayer. Then I met the man who swept me off my feet, and aside from some country dancing here and there, I've never really danced again.
Today the dancing bug has really come back! I've been taking "Zumba" classes at the YMCA fairly often. These are Latin dance classes, kind of like a combination of aerobics and a Latin dance club! The classes are just what I need as a little getaway in the midst of my crazy life raising little children. The other day our washing machine flooded the laundry room three times, and without even asking Steven (which I usually do) I dressed up and told him I was going to Zumba before I lost my mind!
This morning as I danced to the music with a smile on my face (I can't help but smile with the fun dances and energetic teachers), and looked out the window of the Y to watch the cars driving by, I felt like I was "in my element". My body and spirit were moving, and my mind was there. I feel like many days my mind is just not with me...it's stressed about life and panicked about the baby about to choke on a crayon, the preschooler who could drown if she lets go of the kickboard, the kindergartener who needs to get to physical therapy in 5 minutes, the dirty dishes in the sink, the room full of clean clothes that need to be put away, or the bills that need to be paid.
When I'm in Zumba, I'm just me. I can be me without worrying what is going on at home, and I can enjoy the gift that God has given me in my ability to dance, to move my body, to enjoy the fun music, to smile, and to cha cha cha!!!
Beautiful post, Blair!!! I am so glad you are doing this for yourself, we all need a little time for ourselves.
I know what you mean, even with just one child!! Motherhood truly is the most difficult "job" but the best one too!! Enjoy your day. Hugs.
Love the photo... and we really do have a lot in common. I ate, drank, slept, and breathed dance from the time I was 3 to 18... and in my senior year, I broke my foot and that was the end of dancing for me too. I remember the same thing... I wasn't the best dancer, but definitely had the biggest smile on, so therefore ended up winning competeitions I should have lost based on technical merit! I also was best in tap, though I really liked ballet, lyrical, jazz, and hip-hip too.
I would really love to look into dance fitness class. If only my baby boy would be okay for an hour in the Y nursery!
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