Stevie dressed in fire hat thanks to big sisters! Notice his cute outfit from Aunt Pam..."#1 Draft Pick!"

While on the phone for a few minutes the other day, here's what Ellie and Mary Clare kept busy doing...body watercolors!

Here's one of our favorite parts of homeschooling, our weekly clubs. Yesterday was Nature Club at the park and they did a lesson on bluebonnets and read "The Legend of the Bluebonnet"

Painting their own wildflowers

Yesterday was their first day to swim! Here they are at NeNe's house. MC ended up with a sore throat this morning though :(

Steven Joseph's first swim!!!

And Mary Clare's find this morning...snails in the front yard!

What great fun you all are having. Adorable photos of your sweet boy in his swim trunks!!
Steven looks so much like his daddy and big sisters!! Cjute swimming pics. :)
My advice for you on the snails...(whispering, so MC won't hear)...throw them in the street. They will eat your garden right up if you let them hang out in your yard.
There's something about slimy engrossing to us males...........
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