Door-to-door Holy Week Mission 2006

My little missionary

Mary Clare will get to go to the "Kids' Camp" this year while the adults are at formation time, and I'm heading up the nursery.

The parish passion play

Our Holy Week focus...Christ crucified...

(pictures by Jen at
I'm not sure if I've shared about the Holy Week Missions we'll be participating in. It's a beautiful ministry of the Regnum Christi Lay Movement of sharing our Faith with the neighbors of our city and beyond. There will be hundreds of youth and families heading to Houston next Wednesday to receive formation, visit neighborhoods, welcome residents to the Holy Week events at the local parish, and celebrate Holy Week in a truly evangelistic way!
Our first family mission was last Christmas '05 when we helped with the New Orleans relief effort after Hurricane Katrina. It was a beautiful experience. Last year I helped with promotions and the nursery during the Holy Week Mission here. This year I'm coordinating volunteers, host families, and the nursery again. I'm really enjoying this work, albeit very tiring, but all for God's glory! It was amazing to hear testimonies of people coming back to the Church and the Sacraments after many years away. I also think it's so neat to see Catholics going door-to-door!
This year we'll be hosting a family from out of state with five children ages 6 and under, plus another in-utero! We have a lot to do to ready our house and prepare for the mission. But we're also thrilled to be able to share our Holy Week with "strangers" and prepare our hearts for Christ at Easter!