(notice Ellie with the blankey, flip-flops were on too, and MC holds her new twin doll close)
I had to add this sweet picture of Ellie (with the other twin doll). It'll be fun to find out in a couple months whether we'll be holding a real pink or blue baby this Christmas!

And finally, my confession. Today for Father's Day, I generously ;) cleaned out my own minivan "for Steven". Embarrassingly, these were the contents of the inside of my car:

I think I'll list the contents for the fun of it...several pairs of shoes, 2 strollers, some CDs, a few dolls, a giant stuffed bear, 2 kids' lawn chairs, a poncho, 2 aprons, some bug repellent and sunscreen, a life jacket, a beach ball, a deflated raft, a toilet paper roll, a paper towel roll, 4 umbrellas (one was my moms!), a newspaper, a church bulletin, a carseat manual (for the carseat not in my car!), a tub of hand cream, 2 blow-up baseball bats, a toy shovel and rake, a baseball cap, a tupperware bottom, a water bottle, a smelly plastic Easter egg, an old t-shirt, work gloves, an old play camera, a cardboard box (did come in handy when Steven had to change a tire in the rain!), a tool kit, a car-jack kit, a foam baseball with a bite out of it, and several items of trash! Wow.
I'm happy to report that the car is vacuumed and only about 5% of those items are still in the minivan (safety stuff and strollers). We'll see how long it stays that way. Probably not very long. Now if I can ask a silly prayer intention to whoever the patron of car repairs is...please request that Our Lord be merciful to Orpah the Odyssey (yeah, the Bible character Oprah was named after)...she's been to the repair shop about 4 times in the past two months and I think the transmission is going out again. Hopefully this repair shop, or one of the other shops in their chain, can find someone who can repair our transmission correctly and fix Orpah's other issues so the B girls can be safe on the road!
And I can't post without a little praise report and congratulations to my dear friend Marie who welcomed her first child, Clara Lucia, into the world yesterday!!! Baby and Mommy are doing great thanks to the many prayers, especially from her greatest prayer warrior in heaven, her dear father who left this world last weekend. We can't wait to meet little Clara Lucia, YAY!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to get Mike to see your car picture (though I have about twice as much stuff in our car). He does not care for my car-keeping abilities. I feel sooooooooo much better now! And Blair, when I look in my van I sometimes think of your van because you always seem to keep things so neat and clean. I figured you for one of those "immaculate car people." Thanks for being honest and keeping it real.... oh and for being so brave. I am NOT going to show pics of my car. (unless I clean it first) You go girl!
You're welcome, Emily. I'm definitely not one of those immaculate-anything people! Housekeeping is not my forte. I should take some pics of the problem areas of my house to hold me accountable!
You motivated me to clean out my van today. I even took pics but I don't know that I'm brave enough to post them!! Let's just say we had 5X the mess!
Like the box we picked up from your house was still in my trunk!! LOL!
Glad I could be of help ;)
Now I'll have to post my house pics...
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