~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter
I do love the trees on this side of town. As we continue the house-hunt, with no exact neighborhood in mind, it's interesting to take in the advantages of all the different areas. This side of town has the trees and large yards, while the newer side of town is bustling with families and light, bright homes. Out in the neighboring towns/suburbs, there are hills and parks, and then there are also homes near the bay and the beach. There is definitely quite a variety of areas, and although none feel quite right for us and are so much more expensive than what we're used to in Houston, I'm sure something will come up one day that suits our fancy (Can you tell I've been reading/watching British drama recently?).
Also, one of the pretty places in our life right now is the Atrium. Steven Joseph participates in this beautiful Catechesis of the Good Shepherd every Friday morning, where they learn about Jesus who loves and cares for us. He enjoys singing the songs, and telling us about his class later in the day. Last week they worked on pouring. Everything is done quietly, methodically, and carefully. I was able to go in for just a couple minutes last week before I was needed outside again. I hope I can join him more and more as the months go by. I would love to be trained in this program at some point.
My happy biking boy! He's doing great now, but is still learning to get started himself. The bike is a tad tall for him, but I'm sure he'll grow into it soon enough!
My happy biking boy! He's doing great now, but is still learning to get started himself. The bike is a tad tall for him, but I'm sure he'll grow into it soon enough!
Also happy here are the boys when allowed to play with the pastels outside. I admit they made a huge mess and I still haven't gotten the crayons packed away in this case again. Right now they're spread throughout the laundry room. Sigh. But they had fun for a few minutes! Also notice Thomas' favorite toy behind him...the metal kitchen tongs! He begs for them and cries if they're in the dishwasher.
These two little ones are funny as can be. Thomas is always picking on little M, and this day they were both conspiring about how to get back at me for continuing to leave them in the swings while retreating to the shade for a few seconds!
I still need to post the rest of the t-ball photos and a video, but here are a couple funny ones...
Well, this one may be more sad than funny. He just wanted to go into the dugout with his big brother so badly!

I think he was manning 3rd base here. Poor child was chasing the runners over and over again, even though he didn't have the ball. Looked like he was playing tag! One of the runners was much older and just gave him the strangest look, like "what in the world are you doing?" He was having fun, though!
I thought these were some real shots of the seriousness of making paper mache masks for El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
I thought these were some real shots of the seriousness of making paper mache masks for El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
Oh, that paper mache was messy! Just look at those faces!
Here are the girls painting their mask. Both of their actual masks weren't in condition enough to paint them on Monday, so this was a mask that the instructor had made which they painted it together.

And of course little brother wanted to paint something, too! He was so proud to write his brother's name at the bottom.
So those were some moments of our week. Hope to see some of yours, too! I'm going to try to be back with 7 Quick Takes tomorrow. We'll see!
Here are the girls painting their mask. Both of their actual masks weren't in condition enough to paint them on Monday, so this was a mask that the instructor had made which they painted it together.
And of course little brother wanted to paint something, too! He was so proud to write his brother's name at the bottom.
So those were some moments of our week. Hope to see some of yours, too! I'm going to try to be back with 7 Quick Takes tomorrow. We'll see!
1 comment:
What a beautiful tree! And, I see from your little poem that you have long hair again - I guess it suits your fancy! :D
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