I've been thinking about what colors and room decorations inspire me and make me smile. I think I've decided on turquoise for the walls, with lime and red accents. Here are some different images I've found on the internet to use as inspiration. Many were found through the House of Turquoise blog.
I like the little lime drawers and the colorful yarn!

Amber's craft room via Apartment Therapy
This room is just so sweet!

Alicia Paulson's Studio
Love the red curtain and rainbow ribbons

turquoise craft room on craftser
I like how the green and turquoise go together well here.

Holly Dyment Design
This room made me consider painting green walls, but I think I'll just use the lime as an accent color.

scrapbook room from HGTV
I love the accent colors used and palette shown below this image, although I'm not sure I'd want my walls plain white.

Design*Sponge simply color
and I'm going to have to incorporate some rainbow artwork somewhere in the room. It just makes me smile!
I love this flower gradation!

flower gradation from Design*Sponge
Okay, back to real life. Time for ballet class!
Oh, and if you could spare some prayers...One, for little Thomas who has been congested with a stuffy nose for about 5 days now. And also for my aunt and cousin who could use some prayer this week.
Thank you!
Wow, Blair, I can't wait to see what you come up with for your room! Those inspirations rooms are amazing! I love the color palette you have chosen. What a fun and exciting project!
Ran across your blog....having similar taste to all the things you love, curious if you ever did anything with your mom cave. I work out of my home and in desperate need of an office revamp. I want to do it with a "mom cave" outlook because I spend most of my time in the office. Would love to see what you did if you ever did! Thanks
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