We have had such a beautiful week. The weather has been sunny and breezy. We've kept the back door open most of the day and the children are romping from indoors to outdoors, digging and playing, practicing on the new piano. Our moods have truly lightened!
Yesterday we hosted this little birthday party for Mary Clare's American Girl Doll, Emily. She'd had the idea for several months and finally was coercive enough to get her mommy to email the mothers of all her little friends for a little dolly playdate!
I wasn't sure what to expect. Many times our large parties or activities are such fun, but leave me exhausted and my house in utter disarray and I sometimes wonder if it was really worth it. Especially in my fragile physical and emotional state right now, I was really doubting this decision. My husband too, who dislikes large festivities, was quite disappointed to find that I'd invited such a slew of friends over for a playdate.
But I was pleasantly surprised to have a lovely, carefree afternoon. The girls set up a table for the dolls and made a paper mache piñata filled with scrounged goodies. I just let them all play in the backyard, while the moms visited in the living room. I think there were only 2 or 3 tears (from the little sisters) over the course of the 3 hours our friends were here. What fun!
Here are some shots:
One of the big sisters brought all her AG doll hair supplies
and did the hair of the dolls and some of the girls.
Thanks so much, M, for coming to help!

The little sisters had fun together too.
I know Ellie enjoyed having some girls her age around.

The dolls sitting out and ready for the tea party!

Putting out the tea set for the dolls

Enjoying the piñata

Cupcakes and snacks

A fun time was had by dolls and girls alike!
Today was First Friday and with my slightly fussy and attached toddler, I ended up spending most of the time in the nursery with him. It was actually a nice break for me to get to sit and visit with the other moms and get off my feet for a bit.and did the hair of the dolls and some of the girls.
Thanks so much, M, for coming to help!

The little sisters had fun together too.
I know Ellie enjoyed having some girls her age around.

The dolls sitting out and ready for the tea party!

Putting out the tea set for the dolls

Enjoying the piñata

Cupcakes and snacks

A fun time was had by dolls and girls alike!
We spent a few hours at the park, and then came home to another afternoon of playing outside. I read almost half of my new book (which I'll write a review about soon, love it!), and relaxed on the couch. Steven Joseph found a pail and shovel, and threw a fit insisting he wanted to go to the beach. So the girls created a "beach" with dirt and water on the patio. So sweet!
We had a nice Lenten mac n cheese supper and everyone is settling down for a quiet evening and a nice weekend. Next week, we'll be starting Ss week; I'll try to get our Rr week post up soon. We're thrilled to have received many wonderful new homeschooling books and can't wait to dig in! I have high hopes for a spectacular springtime :-)
We also have felt so blessed by the friends over the last few days. Princess loved the party so please thank MC for the invite. I loved that precious time with you and your mom and soe other wonderful ladies. Thank you!
Oh how I wish we could have joined you. What fun!
I know I always say it, but you are so blessed to have such a wonderful Catholic homeschooling community surrounding you.
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