Practicing their Easter clothes. This was after their portraits; I wasn't thrilled with the group photo and wanted one of the girls with their dolls. I'll scan in the portraits soon!

I know, I know. Steven Joseph is in a "pretty boy" outfit which Daddy doesn't like at all. But he's still my baby, at least for a few more months!

This was at our neighborhood egg hunt on Saturday. Both the hunts we went to are more like egg "grabs"...they're just all spread out in a field and the kids grab them as fast as they can! No hunting needed...except for the golden egg...which Ellie got AGAIN!

Mary Clare trying to spot the golden egg

Happy kids with baskets full of candy-filled eggs! Ellie got a big pack of Hello Kitty goodies for her golden egg find...some card games and bingo.

Then we registered for swim team down at the pool and drove straight over to the egg hunt at our church! This is the only photo I have to document just how many eggs they got! TOO much candy in this house! Easter treats will surely be things OTHER than candy.

After lunch with NeNe and PaPa (who came to watch the egg hunts), we went home for nap time, then finished off the day with a trip to the mall. The girls always ask to ride the carousel, and today they got their wish!