Linking up with Sarah at Amongst Lovely Things to share some of my best posts of 2013!
Thanks for hosting, Sarah! What a fun idea!

Post with the Most Clicks:

I wrote this post partly to help other moms trying to put together a similar birthday party. I think because of the way I wrote the title, it comes up in a lot of Google searches, and it's always encouraging to receive a new comment from someone who found it helpful!
Post with the Most Comments:
I'm having a hard time finding my blog stats. My sitemeter link somehow disappeared. But it looks like this is one of the top comment-getters. Pretty beach photos and a nice profile pic taken by my daughter. This next post was also one that seemed to have a higher number of comments....
Post with the Best Picture:

What I Wore Sunday (Pregnancy Announcement)
The photo could definitely be better and clearer, but it's the whole idea of it that makes me so happy! It was a fun day making this announcement to the family, after enjoying mass at my favorite church (Annunciation in downtown Houston) and lunch with family at a restaurant where we've shared many memories, Skeeter's on Wesleyan.
Post that was hardest to write:
This post took me a long time to write and took me through many emotions as I wrote out the difficult decision I've been going through with my current pregnancy. I still feel confident with my choice, but I admit I'm getting worried about all the logistics of having a baby in a city four hours from our current home! Please pray for us in these last 2 months!
Post that was my personal favorite:

Blog posts sharing about the special sacraments in our family have to be some of the most dear to my heart. They hold photos that share the intense emotions and profound joys of those days. Ellie's special First Holy Communion Day was definitely filled with graces and blessings!
Best Beach Trip was my personal favorite. Can't wait to see everyone again!
I'm having fun poking around here. :) Your pregnancy announcement was awesome! I love it!
I will definitely be praying you through your pregnancy and birth, Blair!
I'm having fun poking around here. :) Your pregnancy announcement was awesome! I love it!
I will definitely be praying you through your pregnancy and birth, Blair!
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