Sunday, September 18, 2011

Heart Campaign

I'd like to ask all my sweet friends, family, and blog readers to join me in my heart campaign this week.  You may remember me starting this a couple years ago when we were scheduling one of Steven Joseph's heart check-ups and thinking we'd be doing his open heart surgery during his 2nd year.

Well, here we are in September 2011, and our big guy is a few months shy of 4 years old and finally big enough and ready for this surgery, scheduled for this Thursday Sept 22nd.  I know lots of you are praying and supporting us in so many ways, I am brought to tears hearing about prayers being offered from far and wide, fasting, rosaries being prayed by teens, etc.

I am asking for others to put a heart somewhere around their home, preferably hanging or taped on a frequently-used door.  When you go in and out of that door, can you remember to say a little prayer for Steven?  And I ask that you might also offer a prayer that all our hearts would be open to Christ and that he would heal any spiritual, emotional, or physical wounds that lie in our hearts.  It could be something as simple as "Lord, heal our hearts," or "Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us."

My own heart feels like it's going to burst from all the love and all the pain and worry that it is holding right now.  But I am trusting that God has a beautiful plan in mind for Steven and for our family, and that Mother Mary will be by my side, she who knows the pain of watching her Son suffer.  Thank you so much for remembering our family and Steven Joseph and his almost-fixed heart, as well as others whose hearts are in need.

Matagorda Fishing trip with Daddy, September 17, 2011


Melissa said...

Blair, The Buchan family will be praying for Steven in a special way this week and my kids will make hearts to put around the house today after school as a beautiful reminder. Thank you for reaching out to the Body of Christ.

Buttercup said...

You have my prayers!

Diana said...

Praying for your brave little lad and for you! I have had to put my kids on that operating table many, so hard.

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