On Monday morning, after the middle-of-the-night thunderstorms, we woke up at about 7:00am to the cool, damp new day. We ate a quick snack and then went out for an early morning hike!
Off we go!

Mom's getting left in the dust!

We don't see cacti much in our area!
The kids climbed a big hill with Daddy. Mom and baby (in the stroller) stayed back. Steven called this our "extreme strollering" adventure! We learned our lesson and used the backpack on the next hike.
Mary Clare brought her backpack with snacks and other goodies for the hike.
Here she's sharing a snack with Steven Joseph while Ellie ventures out.
They really enjoyed climbing around this area, but it was getting too difficult to navigate the stroller, so we started to head back to the car to go make bacon and eggs at the cabin!
But not until a few rocks were collected to bring home to friends and family!
We took a little drive after lunch to get Steven Joseph to fall asleep, and stopped at this scenic spot.
Thomas got a yummy snack of baby food that afternoon.

The girls took about a dozen photos of these dirt castles, so I had to include them!
We got suited up for a swim, even Thomas. He loves chewing on this bottle and taking a few sips of water.

But swimming didn't go over so well. The water was very cold and the lake bottom very slippery. Mary Clare and Daddy enjoyed it for a bit, but we went back to play in the water near our cabin soon after.
Here's the "Devil's Waterhole" area for swimming. I actually took a camping trip to Inks Lake with my high school youth group, but I only have a few vague memories. Swimming here in the lake is one of them!
After resting back at the cabin, we decided to take an evening hike. Here are some favorite shots from that:

Hard to tell, but this was a really big snake!

On our way back to the cabin, we stopped at a little playground and saw some deer.
The girls LOVE these hanging slide things! They are getting strong arms!
Thomas hanging out while dinner was cooking (spaghetti)

Another beautiful sunset
Eating dinner in their PJs!
We had s'mores again but got to bed a little earlier this night. Thomas went to bed really quickly too! I was still waking throughout the night, but enjoyed being out in the wilderness with the fam on this fun adventure...bugs and all!
Our last day...Day 3 to come!
Great photos, great fun!
So funny about extreme strollering. Back in Europe, Paul and I made the mistake of going on our first castle ruins visit with the stroller. Long story, but in the end Paul ended up carrying Henry and the stroller up the side of a steep hill and then up about a hundred steps...
We realized a backpack was better suited for European travel. So, we forked out big Euros for a nice backpack. Of course, Henry absolutely hated it and would not go in it without screaming the whole time.
So, that sat in our garage in storage and Henry traveled through Europe in my arms- including all the way through Paris as a 2.5 year old. Sore arms. :)
Anyway, looks like a lovely time. It gets me excited for summer which seems a long way off as we are sitting here with the heat on in our home!
Such beautiful pics, Blair! I especially love the baby wearing Daddy ones. :)
You've got me so excited to start camping again this summer. For the past two days I've been researching campgrounds in our area. I wouldn't mind tent camping again (we had so much fun the fall I was expecting Austin!) but a cabin sounds really nice. ;)
May I ask what kind of backpack you use to carry Thomas? I'd like one for Austin, but am absolutely overwhelmed with the selection available. (Jill, feel free to add your two cents here, too! That's too funny about little Hen though!)
Oh it looks so peaceful and relaxing! Beautiful area and beautiful photography. Glad it was nice weather. Can't wait to hear the kids' stories!
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