So a few people noticed below that I have ventured back into the world of cloth-diapering! We started using cloth when Mary Clare was about a month old, thanks to the encouragement of Lillian. Steven has always been fascinated with cloth, and I was willing to try it out. We used chinese pre-folds with pins and pull-on covers for Mary Clare. And we got them all as gifts from a baby shower with my teacher friends! She wore them pretty much day and night until she was potty-trained at 2 1/2. So we saved a LOT of money!
With Ellie we used cloth for several months, until she started solid foods, when cloth diapering gets a lot more challenging! I put her in disposables when we left the house, so all-in-all she wasn't in cloth all that much. And yesterday was her first day of no potty accidents, so I think we're just about potty-trained over here! I'm SO glad to only have one in diapers right now!
This time we have the blessing of Lillian's diaper stash that she gave us! So right now he's in a Motherease All-in-One. We have a few of those, a couple snapping Motherease dipes that still use a cover, and then our big stash of prefolds. I'd like to invest in a few more all-in-ones so that I won't have to do the prefolds and pins as much. I think I might be more successful that way. And I likely won't take him out in cloth diapers. It's just too hard to bring all the stuff needed to change him and hold the huge diapers.
Our goal is to once again get to "solid foods" using cloth and we'll feel like we saved a bit of money. We'll see what it does to my sanity though! Feel free to send some encouraging comments my way! What do I save...about a quarter a diaper?
Your kids are beautiful
Uncle Jim
We've also loved cloth diapering--I bought a stash of S-M-L Fuzzibunz from friends of ours, burned out from the process, and we've really liked them. T-baby is our only one in cloth now. Overall, cloth has become a *no-brainer* for me these days. Once I really got into it, it almost became second nature. Enjoy saving the $$$!!
I bought a supply of Fuzzi Bunz and have been happy with them. We do put Kenny in a disposable overnight because that's the best bet for a dry baby in the morning. Buying 30 disposables a month isn't too bad! My supply is still in great shape so I'm hoping to get some use out of them for future babies. My motivation for sticking with cloth diapering was remembering how much money we invested into these diapers! It took some time to get into the routine of washing them, but like "b-mama" said it got easier after a few months.
I admire your courage! I have been trying to work up the courage to switch since Gloria's birth, but can't seem to do it yet...part of it is the initial expense since I don't have a hand-me-down donor! Keep it up!
I haven't tried any AIOs yet... They are just so expensive unless you can get them like in your situation!
I've been using prefolds and snappis (no pins! woohoo!) with Thirsties covers for both Gabrielle and Colette. I have been so happy with Thristies that I might try their new AIO. I got a Thirsties fitted for Gab just to see what they're like...glorious! I love them!
Anyway, thanks for posting. Until you started, I didn't actually know anyone else using cloth! It's really second nature to me now and I don't mind the extra work. :-)
Blair, first of all congratulations on little Steven!! He is absolutely precious!! I think he looks alot like your Ellie when she was a baby. I am so happy for your family and have kept you in my prayers.
Hoorah for cloth!!! I am also venturing into the world of cloth diapering an infant. I just washed up my prefolds and covers and they are anxiously awaiting baby B's arrival. Way to go!
We too are using cloth for financial reasons-2nd hand diaper service diapers and pullon covers. So when I read this post http://ebeth.typepad.com/reallearning/2007/04/dappled_diapers.html it gave me a whole new perspective to cloth diapering. I go back to it often for encouragement :) Congrats on your beautiful baby!
Blair! I loved Fuzzi Bunz with Andrew. CDing was great until solid foods, AIOs are so much more convenient, but I used Bummis velcro super whisper wraps a lot. SunshineDiapers.com is a great site.
Your blog is so nice, I'm on the computer all the time for work so I don't have one...
Looks like cloth diapers are coming back ---yeah. Uncle Jim aka gaelhouse
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