I'll spare you the details, but they included a lack of diaper wipes (a friend did have a few, thankfully!), no changing pad, no changing table, no paper towels, no dry clothing, nor a shower. We were forced to rinse in a small sink with the poor little lassie crying the whole time! Not to mention the big sister who was screaming and refusing to get out of the (still open) big pool with her friends. What an adventure!
I hope that was a first and a last, and I'll definitely be checking her swim diaper more often. Not sure if we'll go back to that pool anytime soon! At least both girls peacefully fell asleep on the drive home. I love a quiet house at naptime!
Oh Blair! You must have been beside yourself! I can only imagine how I would have responded in that situation... Most likely you'll look back and have a good laugh! I can totally relate to the lacking of wipes as I seem to be out of them all the time these days, especially when I need them most! lol Prayers, B :)
Thanks for the sympathy :) I usually don't get too embarrassed about things, but those poor teenage boy lifeguards must have been so grossed out. I couldn't even look at them! I apologized to the sweet young lady lifeguard who was also very sympathetic at least. I felt like all eyes were on me as a frantically ran to the bathroom with a diaper and my crying child! One of those days...
Oh my! How those embarrasing situations humble us. One day you may look back at this and laugh!
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