The Poor Lady of Assisi, my dear daughter's patroness. Today will be the first time we celebrate her "name day" having a little party with our friends! We will also remember our dear little friend in heaven, Mary Clare, who passed away in June at age 2. May she, St. Clare, St. Elizabeth, and Our Blessed Mother always pray for my sweet daughters to stay very close to the heart of Christ! And may our other holy friend, Sr. Mary Clare of the Holy Spirit, be filled with joy on her special feast day. For all Poor Clare nuns, who sit before the presence of Christ in the Eucharist at all hours of the day and night in Adoration of Our Lord, that God might strengthen them and hear their prayers for the world.
I hope one day we can go back to Assisi, the town of St. Clare and her friend, spiritual father, and hero, St. Francis. And I hope we can follow their example of love, trust, simplicity, austerity, and faith.
Pray for us St. Clare!
Happy Saint day Clare!! Have fun at the St. Clare party!!!
Now, I've forgotten (or maybe don't know), who is Sr. Mary Clare of the Holy Spirit??
Kristy C from St Mary's. We missed you :( Hope it was a fun week of Taekwondo and that we get to see you guys sometime soon!
So are they the same as the Sisters for Life?? I thought she was with them?
Ah yes, I mentioned Poor Clare nuns after her name, but no she's a Sister of Life. I just remember her saying that they no longer celebrate her birthday but her name day and I know one year the sisters all went barefoot. So I hope it was a special day for her. But also for the Poor Clares :)
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