One day in college I wore my favorite shirt at the time, a white polo with a rainbow collar, a rainbow ribbon in my hair, and my rainbow WWJD bracelet. Then someone told me it was Pride Week! I didn't hear the end of that one. Too bad the rainbow has become a symbol for something different these days...
Today I felt led to meditate on Genesis 9 and God's covenant with Noah, "I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth." The world will never flood again! My fascination with rainbows should be a reminder to me that God has given me this promise. I have no need to worry. He cares for the birds of the air; how much more does he care for me!
Motherhood has definitely brought on a new level of worry in my life. I can no longer control things like I could when it was just me. Now there are 4 of us here (not to forget our little intercessor in Heaven, Agnes) to think about, 4 totally different lives. And I can't control every aspect of each of these lives. I have to trust that God in his infinite mercy and loving providence has a beautiful plan for my family. If I could only let go and follow it! Help me Father, to trust in You. I believe, help my unbelief. Grant me the gift of Hope!
"Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me!"

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