This is my final ultimatum to Steven...he better come post something here or I'm going to have to think of a new name for my blog!!! It can't be called "Blair and Steven" if he only reads but never posts. So...dear hubby, you have until, let's say your birthday next week...yeah the one where you'll be OVER THE join me in my addictive blogging or you're name will be off the title and banished to post conversations. You've got lots you can talk about: fishing, hunting, tractors, cattle, sports, family, Church...many choices!
I love you :)
P.S. Here's the cutie-pie with his biggest catch. Feel free to add some comments of encouragement to the blogophobe!
WOW! What a catch!! I'm impressed. Craig and the kids have only "caught" a fish from HEB!!
Happy early BDAY!! You're getting ....wiser Steven!! ;-)
That is a BIIIIIIIIIIG fish!!!!!!!
Come on Steven!! I know you have words of wisdom to share with us all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! coming up soon.
Steven, if I can make a blog post, so you can you. ;)
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