I've been tagged by Lillian at
Smithflections although I'm not an official homeschooler yet ;) Let's see if I can figure out enough answers to participate:
1. One homeschooling book you have enjoyed.
Catholic Education Homeward Bound by Kimberly Hahn and Mary Hasson, it was the first book I read about homeschooling
2. One resource you wouldn't be without.
Crayons! My oldest is only 3 1/2
3. One resource you wish you had never bought.
Markers, they don't keep the caps on them so they run out quickly. Plus Ellie likes to bite the tips off!
4. One resource you enjoyed last year.
DVDs. We have no TV, so now at least MC can watch educational movies from the library
5. One resource you will be using next year.
Possibly Five in a Row, when MC turns 4 in January
6. One resource you would like to buy.
I can never have enough kids' books!
7. One resource you wish existed.
I'm going to ditto Lillian that I'd like a private housekeeper and cook!!!
8. One homeschooling catalogue you enjoy reading.
Catholic Heritage Curricula
9. One homeschooling website you use regularly.
Blogs of homeschoolers...Lillian, Danielle Bean
10. Tag five other homeschoolers.
Hmmm, I don't know if any homeschoolers read this who haven't been tagged already. But if you are reading and you're a homeschooler or homeschooler-wanna-be, let's hear from you!
adding my pic so I can put in my profile: