Peter Edward
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
7 pounds 15 ounces, 19 inches
Peter's Story:
After weeks of thinking he'd come early because of a nuchal cord concern, lots of pre-term contractions, and a history of 37-week labors, we were surprised to make it to 38 1/2 weeks without going into full-blown labor! At my Monday appointment, we agreed it was time to meet our sweet boy, so we scheduled the c-section (my 6th) for Tuesday morning at 8:30am. Monday was filled with lots of preparations at the hospital and at home; it was hard to believe that I was finally going to have a scheduled c-section without going into labor!

We arrived at the hospital at 7:00am and went up to the room where I'd spend my pre-op and recovery time. I was glad that it was an actual private room this time. I had a nice nurse named Susan who helped me prepare with my IV and all the other "fun" stuff that goes along with preparing for surgery. I had a few contractions during that time, but it was sure nice to not be in hard labor. We watched a bit of "Fixer Upper" which was on all day, but I was starting to get nervous the closer we got to delivery time. We met the anesthesiologist, who looked older and experienced, giving me some peace about that.

Finally my OB Dr. R arrived, and it was time to walk down with the nurse to the OR at 8:37am. Oh how I hate going into that sterile room and seeing all the instruments and support that would be needed to deliver this baby! I climbed up onto the operating table and sat down for the spinal. This is the part I dread most of all, and unfortunately the fear was warranted, because he had a very hard time finding the right spot. It was the worst of any of my surgeries, and I have a big bruise and needle marks all over my back! But finally he got it; I was starting to worry that they'd have to put me to sleep!
I was doing my deep breathing and the anesthesiologist offered both an oxygen cannula which I readily accepted, and some kind of essential oil aroma thing that he put on my chest so I could smell something pleasant. After a few minutes, everything else got started and Steven came in. Before I knew it they were saying "lots of pressure" and were pulling out the baby! Sure enough his cord was around his neck, but he let out some big cries and had Apgars of 8 and 9. I got to see him for a bit...oh how that always makes me cry to see these babies up close and know they are okay. They sang "Happy Birthday" to the baby (who didn't have a name yet), and then he and Steven went off to recovery.

I actually wasn't too panicked during the remainder of the surgery like I usually am. I think he may have given me something for the anxiety. It all seemed so quick. I think the whole thing was less than 45 minutes. I am always just so grateful when it's over and I can snuggle and nurse my new baby! Thanks be to God for a smooth surgery. My doctor said that my uterus and scar tissue were all normal and not like someone who's had 6 c-sections. I've healed very well from each one, and he said I'd be fine to have several more babies! Being that I'm getting close to 40, I don't know how many years of fertility I actually have left, but I am very grateful to know that my body has handled the surgeries well and that we might be able to see the blessing of more children in the future.

I was being wheeled to my regular room around 11:00. It was a nice quiet morning enjoying the new baby. I think Steven went to get the kids around 2pm; they were all so excited to meet their new brother. My parents came along too, and Veronica and little Miriam came by that evening. Everyone was anxious to know what his name would be. I was not feeling like myself while on so many drugs and did not want to choose a name until I was feeling in my right mind again! Steven and I talked about it that night; it was a long one with a very fussy baby. By the next morning I was ready to commit to Peter Edward.

Peter has long been a name we've considered; it was going to be Steven Joseph's name until a few days before his arrival. Edward was on the list of middle names and was one of the few that neither of us nixed! It was the name of Steven's paternal grandfather. Ellsworth was the name of my maternal grandfather, which I think invokes a similar feeling. Peter of course means "rock" and Edward means "prosperous guardian." I hope this boy will be both of those! His patron saints are of course St. Peter, prince of the Apostles and our first Pope, and St. Edward the Confessor, a holy British king who lived in the early 1000s.

I spent about two more days in the hospital, actually going home a day earlier than I usually do. This time I was just ready to get home in my own bed. I think they coddle you a little less when it's your 6th baby! But I did enjoy my stay, the all-day-long HGTV shows, the "room service," and some quiet time to rest before going back to the chaos of our home! The big girls had some special time at the hospital with me and the baby, each one staying for a few hours one of the evenings. My friend Jackie and her kids came by the hospital and she also stayed with my kids the first night when Steven was with me. Leanne and my parents watched the kids the day of his arrival. And we've had some visitors and meals this weekend from our other kind friends: Kiley, Lynn, Leanne and family, cousin Mark and Rachel, Josh and kids, and Gordon and MaryKatherine.

This weekend was spent enjoying the baby and decorating for the Advent season! It's going to be so much fun having a new baby during this time of year. This week it's back to school for mom (the kids continued last week while I was gone), but they have their science museum classes tomorrow so I'll get a little break, aside from a trip to see my OB to remove my staples and check my incision. My body is really worn out; I know I need to take things slower. But it's hard when there's a busy household to run. Steven has truly been SuperDad, taking care of everything this past week. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive this week without him! But I know that it'll help if I get some sleep now that the baby is finally out after a few hours of nursing and fussing!

Thanks to all my friends, family, and online acquaintances who've prayed us through his pregnancy and delivery! I hope you all have a blessed Advent season. May God in His goodness continue to shower us with gifts and graces so that we may live out His calling in our lives. And for our family, may we have all we need to care for and form each of these SIX precious souls He has entrusted to us!!! Thanks be to Him for this blessing of new life!