A last reflection on VBS last week.
Actually it was deemed "Summer Religious Education Camp" since it's no "vacation" and more than "bible school." The kids had a great week with their friends and it was fun to be out and about each day. Working in the nursery with the toddlers was enjoyable but tiring; visiting with the moms in there was great.
Here's Thomas at the outside water table.
A S.O.L.T. priest came to talk with the kids on Friday. He seemed very dynamic and a great teacher. Steven Joseph even made it through the long talk!
What a gift this was for the children of our parish, especially as they lost a fellow camper and friend this week. And a gift for Avery too, as God must have been preparing his heart for Heaven. (obituary link here)
A few images from our FULL Saturday.
SJ with his morning donut at the swim meet
I have a lot of swimming videos of the girls that hopefully I'll upload soon. Or I may wait until next week when I'll hopefully have really good quality video!
Thomas and Cheetos at the beach
And a few more favorites adjusted by Instagram...
After reflecting on the tragic passing of our sweet friend Avery, I'm reminded of the blessing that brotherhood is. My boys are starting to play together more, and I hope that I'm helping to encourage the friendships of all of my children.
A few brotherly photos...
Looking for PJs after dumping out all the laundry baskets (I actually got to this this week! Even though I never did my Monday Motivation post, we did accomplish quite a bit.)
brothers at the beach
brothers napping
Brothers chasing after a roach! This has become a frequent morning activity, unfortunately.
and brothers watching the rain
Country roads.
Steven Joseph naps with a mini beach ball in his mouth while we brave the country roads checking out our neighboring towns last weekend.
I think they were harvesting the maize? Steven wanted me to get a photo of this farm equipment because it was impressive to him for doing two different jobs. He's the Ag major, I'm the ignorant gal from suburbia.
Toddler entertainment.
Last night was a long evening at a Memorial Mass for little Avery. Thomas was really tired, and started playing with the watermelon. I gave him a knife and he was cutting this watermelon for over 20 minutes. Steven remarked that it's too bad we couldn't bring something like this into Mass! I'm surprised he didn't fall asleep on the table!
Date night with my girls!
After asking for ideas of rewards for doing chores in my last post, a friend mentioned yogurt. We've only been to one of these places one other time about a year ago, so the girls were absolutely thrilled to have a little date with mommy tonight, visiting the frozen yogurt bar, Academy, and Half Price Books!
Special delivery!
My delivery is coming on Monday. But the safety gear has started to arrive. Can you guess what I'm getting? My late Mother's Day present! Hopefully the next few holidays will not require the purchase of a similar item. Oh I can't wait to get my hands, and eyes, on this!!!
Have a blessed weekend, friends. We'll be laying low with some family time and maybe a drive out to the beach. Sunday evening begins the services for little Avery. Please continue to hold his family in prayer. The huge amount of love and prayers from my Facebook friends is so heartwarming and I know the family appreciates all the support they are getting.
And now, I must post since in 5 minutes it won't be Friday anymore! More Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!
Beautiful pictures! I love the one under the pier and the sweet brother shots.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, we are praying for his family.
nice baby pics
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