Entering the "safari"

Bison and longhorn cattle


I think he said these were wildebeests


Girls and dolls having fun feeding animals!

This was a beautiful overlook of the hills of central Texas, something we don't see much in our neck of the woods!

Ostrich being fed from someone's car. We were the only ones who weren't feeding the animals by hand! I did not want an ostrich beak in my face, no way!


The rhinos were behind a fence

As were these camels

Steven? Not sure what this was

More ostriches

A giant llama bidding us farewell!

and we say goodbye to the giraffes as we drive away!

There was also a petting zoo, but we needed to get back for checkout at the condo. NeNe and PaPa had everything ready to load and leave. But about 10 minutes down the road I realized that I forgot my iPhone charger cord and we had to turn around!
We spent at least half an hour searching for a restaurant. We ended up at the Red Rooster, a fun big antique store with fabulous restaurant! We got to browse while we waited for our food.
Anyone remember these from the old days at McDonalds? Outside they also had one of those burger-climbers, where you climb up into the hamburger with bars around it.

NeNe and the kids before we hit the road!

We had a peaceful drive home until we were about half an hour from home. We had made a pit stop to stretch our legs at McDonald's and got back on the highway. All of a sudden, something hit under the car and we were driving with a horrible screeching metal noise from the side of our car. I thought we had popped a tire and were driving on the rims. But it turned out that my dad ran over a piece of metal, something like a crow bar and it wouldn't dislodge. Thankfully we were able to quickly exit the freeway and turn into a BMW dealership that was right there. They put the car on a lift and got the metal out. Praise God! We were all a little shaken up.
Then we hit a rainstorm, but just as we were about to turn into my parents' neighborhood we saw a rainbow in the sky! A beautiful end to a fun trip! Thanks, Mom and Dad!

1 comment:
Oh my goodness, what an adventure!! AND Your girls are growing fast!!
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