A quick pause for a pic of the girls with SJ (ie "Bruiser" who got a black eye from jumping off his floor mattress into his changing table the day before we left) in his stroller.

Almost to breakfast! A yummy one of Lucky Charms and pancakes, any kid's dream!

Then we spent some time on the little putting green. SJ now calls this "put puhsh golf!"

Kids and NeNe having fun! It was still overcast and cool on this central TX morning!

Steven Joseph had to use the big putters, a little too big for him!

Girls taking video of their brother

About to head back to the room. Love this tree in the background!

Spotting deer on the way back.

We checked out Operation from the front desk. Kept them busy for a short time at least!

Then it was off to the pool...

Another beautiful oak

After PaPa got back, we went over to the little Historical District of Gruene. Here are the kids with NeNe and PaPa (just realized I have no pics of myself from the entire trip!)

SJ taking a look at some lily pads

in an old playhouse

by a covered wagon

by some colorful flowers

Then it was back to the pool! This time we tried the one by the front buildings. Perfect for little ones, it was a play pool with a beach entry and lots of very shallow water!

Mom and I relaxed on this outing while PaPa took charge in the pool

MC in the hot tub!

And some more putting around with PaPa!

We brought his own little putter this time!

The kids all fell asleep that night on the floor watching an Animal Planet show about coral reefs. I actually got the double bed to myself for a few hours before the kids starting coming in one-by-one and I ended up on the couch. Our room had a bunk bed, but I can't yet trust any of them on an upper bunk because they're such crazy sleepers who move all around! The first night Ellie kept ramming into the side rail and had a leg hanging over, so I had to move her before I went to sleep. I was so happy to get back home to my own comfy king-sized bed last night!
Looks like fun.
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my goodness, those girls are getting tall!!!
what a fun time you all seem to be having....arn't grandparents such a blessing? spec'ly when they are such fun sports ;-)
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