Friday's nearing the end, but I'll go ahead and add my weekly "takes!"
We've completed 7 days of homeschooling! This is a huge accomplishment for me; it's a big battle with every subject for one of my pupils and I am trying my hardest to stay the course. The lesson plans are great, and I'm hoping my reward program works...a special toy for completing 10 days and special outing for completing 20 days of school. We'll see if we can get that far by August! My other pupil is doing fantastically, and really both of them are progressing really well. It's just getting past these battles and trying to be consistent, which is always hard for me. Steven Joseph is so cute looking for his "coolwork" each morning, usually a tractor or dinosaur coloring book :) Oh and he learned to button his sweater today (handmade by my aunt, so it has big buttons and button-holes)! We were so impressed!
This was our first week without having swim practice or dance class. I am getting stir crazy. I keep looking up things for the girls to participate in, but we've missed most of the deadlines. In July, we will spend a week out of town and we might try a week-long morning dance camp at their ballet school, so hopefully those will help us make it through July! Next week I've planned a Children's Museum field trip which should be fun! We did spend an afternoon at our local YMCA pool one day this week, which I should probably do more often. We love the pool!
I had my 24 week appointment on Monday and I PASSED the 1-hr glucose screen! I am thrilled since I've failed it during two of my pregnancies and had to take the miserable 3-hr test (which I passed both times). My belly measured a little big, but Baby's heartrate was great. I got my first weekly Progesterone shot, to try to ward off any unwanted contractions. I haven't had premature labor with the other babies, just a lot of painful Braxton-Hicks contractions in the last two months with SJ. But in preparing for a 4th c-section and thinning uterus, we've decided to take this precaution. The shot didn't hurt too much but I did have a sore backside the rest of the day!
We're starting to get really pumped about our big trip to California!!! Steven wants to wait to tell the girls until it gets closer, although they know that we're going at some point. This will be our first big family vacation and first time the kids will remember flying in an airplane so it should be a big adventure! We're planning some special outings to the zoo, beach, and Disneyland...I can't wait! I just hope that Baby cooperates and I don't have any issues while traveling. My OB was a little upset to find out I'd be traveling so close to his 28-week flying deadline. Prayers appreciated!
My sweet girls are still dancing up a storm. I think Ellie had on about 5 different costumes yesterday, and they even had Steven Joseph dressed up in a little romper, sweater, and hat. It was hilarious! I've been watching a lot of "So You Think You Can Dance" so they're playing and dancing to the music.
Quote of the day:
When asked if they were picking up the living room,
Mary Clare responds, "No, actually we're doing
contemporary right now."
For a belated Father's Day celebration on Monday, the girls made decorations, cards, a pinata, and a cake. They were so excited to surprise Daddy that evening when he got home from work. I keep laughing when I go into the bathroom because Mary Clare put the pop-up card and little gift she made on the windowsill in the bathroom since that's usually the first place Daddy goes when he gets home from work! It's still there making us smile!
I feel very spiritually dry right now. Any good books to recommend? I was doing pretty well at praying the Liturgy of the Hours each day with my iPhone for awhile, but now I'm just feeling blah. I am continuing to work through the emotions and sadness about the scandal related to the lay movement I was a part of, especially as new, disturbing information continues to come out. I know my days would go more smoothly and I'd be better able to discern what to do in our continuing disciplinary battles if I was in more of a spirit of prayer. I'd love any advice!
Have a great weekend, friends! And see
Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!