one of this...

type of child in my womb!

Can't wait to meet him!
(Isn't my hubby cute? And can't you see some Ellie in that first shot?)
I just figured out how to work my scanner last week, so now I can post old pics, yay!
Have a great day, friends!
"Peace begins with a smile." -Blessed Mother Teresa
Congratulations, and I understand! We are having our first boy, after 4 girls. I am still in shock and I've known for 13 weeks! :)
You are going to LOVE having a boy! They are so sweet and cuddly. And boy are they attached to their mamas in the young years. Not that girls aren't cuddly. But I really think little boys are like little bears. And they seem to need mothers in a much different way than girls.
Ellie sure does look a lot like Stephen when he was a toddler. I wonder if your son will look more like Stephen or you? Either way he's bound to be cute!
I felt the same way when I found out our twins were boys. I just sat and looked at my husband in shock and said, "There's a BOY in there. That's so...strange..." (Now I think it would be strange to have a girl back in there some day!)
But, oh, the joy of boys. And my little guys do look just like their dad when he was a little squirt. It's so much fun. All of it!
Boys are so much fun, Blair! They have a special place in a mother's heart. Congratulations!
If your little guy turns out to be anything like his father, you'll be a sporty baseball mama! How fun! There is never a moment in our home without a ball of some sort flying through the air... You're going to love it! :)
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