Mary, Joseph, donkey, and baby Jesus last night!
i just finished a day of total exhaustion after suffering through the stomach virus in the early morning hours right after steven left for work. it's such an overwhelming and hopeless feeling to face an entire day with 4 children who you can't really take care of adequately, including a nursing infant. thanks be to god i'm much better now, just tired and weak.
i made it through. thomas slept much of the day or was content sitting in the bed. we had gotten some videos at the library on monday so it was an all-day movie fest for the kids. my dad brought lunch, snacks, and gatorade and left them at the door (this virus has hit at least 8 adults in steven's family since christmas, so we didn't want to take any chances!). i can't even describe the relief that came as steven walked in the door after having to work late this evening, with dinner for him and the kids, whisking thomas away and letting me sleep. the smoothie i had been craving all day wasn't to be (jamba juice was closed!), but i was just thankful.
tonight, i just finished watching a slide show of photos from a blogger mom who lost everything in a house fire last week. my best friend from high school is saying goodbye to her father at the funeral tomorrow. my parents' closest neighbors lost their 19 year-old son the week before christmas. a friend on facebook is suffering through this stomach virus with a husband across the country. so much tragedy.
i noticed at least 3 people crying during christmas mass. it's a time of joy and yet a time of pain for many people. i pray that all those who have faced loss, tragedy, and illness this season will come to find a season of hope as we approach this new year. that god might comfort them in their afflictions and help us to all be more mindful of the gifts he has given us, especially the gift of his newborn son, jesus. thank you, father, for that reminder today. and thank you for giving me the grace to make it through.

1 comment:
Peace in this Christmas season, Blair, and may God give you and your family good health! Here's to 2011!
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