«Office of the Secretary of State
Vatican City, March 31, 2007
His Holiness cordially greets the members of the Regnum Christi Movement who are participating in the Holy Week evangelization missions. He invites you to contemplate the great mystery of the risen Christ, the foundation of our faith, in which we find a constant source of spiritual strength in order to tirelessly proclaim our Savior and faithfully serve the Gospel of life he has entrusted to us.
In these circumstances, the Pope encourages all of you to be witnesses of Gospel values in the various regions where you are working so that, renewing their Christian roots, they may day-by-day construct a society that is more worthy of man and for man, in keeping with his rights and open to full fraternal coexistence.
In this fervent hope and with the motherly protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, the Holy Father raises his prayer to the Lord that he will grant abundant gifts to those who have carried out these evangelization missions. The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI sends an apostolic blessing.
Tracisio Card. Bertone
Secretary of State of His Holiness»
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